Behavior Support
First and foremost, we teach students the skills they need to succeed! Our schoolwide “points system” is designed to teach and reinforce appropriate behavior. The system uses three tiers that are linked to workplace performance to help students understand the relationship between work expectations and job performance. Students earn points in every class for successfully accomplishing or perfecting a target behavior, which can be used at the school store and for levels of independence.
When it is necessary, our BCBA behavioral analyst works with teachers and other staff to develop an individual plan, based on a functional behavioral assessment (FBA).
Our two full-time credentialed BCBAs provides:
School observations and consultations to help parents and professionals in choosing an appropriate school environment. School observations and consultations can also help facilitate and generalize skills within the home setting.
Functional Behavior Assessments (FBA) to assist in determining the function of student’s maladaptive behaviors. An FBA is a crucial component in designing an individual’s behavior intervention plan and/or implementing positive behavior supports.
Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP), which are derived from an FBA and will outline the behaviors that will be targeted for reduction or will be targeted for an increase while teaching alternative replacement behaviors.
Academic adjustments, address a student’s identified challenges in the areas of Math, Reading, and Writing while utilizing behavior management techniques, academic modifications, differentiated instruction, and breaking down skills into smaller components.