Welcome back from Spring Break! We hope everyone had a restful week off, and we’re looking forward to a month of fun activities and events. Additionally, for those interested, our 2024-2025 School Calendar is now available to view on our website.
Some important dates to note:
Monday April 22nd: Field Trip to the Liberty Science Center for “Sensory Day”
Monday April 15th-Friday April 19th: Spirit Week!
In celebration of April being Autism Awareness month, the Bergen Center will be having a “Spirit Week” during the week of April 15th to April 19th 2024. All students and staff are encouraged to participate in the daily themes and activities but it is NOT a requirement. This is a week of fun and social connection between all the classes to recognize all the great things our students have accomplished! The days and themes are as follows:
Monday, April 15th: Pajama Day
Students and staff are encouraged to wear their favorite, school appropriate pajamas to school and enjoy a comfy / cozy start to the week!
We will be doing a craft in the afternoon where students can decorate their own pillowcase.
Tuesday, April 16th: Silly Clothes Day
Students and staff can go crazy and wear their silliest / mix-matched clothes! These can be silly socks, a funky hat, colorful clothes, two different shoes, etc.
Be creative!
In the afternoon the students will be customizing their very own silly hats and socks!
Wednesday, April 17th: Sports Day
Students and staff are asked to show their team pride and wear any sports themed clothing, which can include:
Jerseys, Hats, T-Shirts, Sweaters, etc.
We will be watching a school appropriate sports-themed movie and decorating travel cups that the students can keep for personal use!
Thursday, April 18th: Superhero Day
Is that a bird? Is that a plane? No, it’s our super students coming to save the day!
Students and staff are encouraged to wear their most heroic clothing items or even full super suits (costumes) to school so we can assemble Bergen Center's mightiest heroes!
The students will also be decorating their own superhero capes that they can wear when they’re saving the world.
Friday, April 19th: Color Day
On our final day of Spirit Week, students and staff will be wearing colors that are assigned to their specific classroom and we will have an entire day of colorful activities, games and a party in the afternoon.
Classroom colors are:
Room 1 (Ms. Nicole’s Room): Red
Room 3 (Mr. David’s Room): Green
Room 5 (Ms. Renee’s Room): Orange
Room 7 (Ms. Paloma’s Room): Yellow
Room 8 (Ms. Lauren’s Room): Purple
We look forward to seeing all of our students celebrating themselves and the work they do here at the Bergen Center for Child Development.